.... At our Memorial Day Service for American and Vietnamese veterans I would like to quote from your book, Dear Daddy.  I have to tell you, it brings up so many emotions.  I also want to remember the "boat people."  Your book makes me cry.  I don't understand it. There is so much feeling. It's so wonderful.  From Dave Murray, Chairman, POW/MIAs Committee, New Jersey - April 17, 1999.

Goodbye Papa-San

Dawned on your fellow American Veterans that you bade farewell
At the time our country is in turmoil
Veterans from all Wars salute you, Papa-San Dave
Elsewhere America's sons and daughters are fighting the invisible terrorists
Many decades ago, you answered America's call
Uncharted jungles of Vietnam you went,
Rending your family in tears.
Reminiscences of Saigon are still fresh --
Abundance of your sacrifice, A Proud Viet Vet
You rest in peace now, Papa-San Dave...

Linh Duy Vo
3 August 2005 ©


Mr. John David Murray 
Born: September 28, 1946 -- Died: July 31, 2005

From: lynn@nationalalliance.org

Dave Murray, a long time supporter of the National Alliance of Families and a staunch advocate for our POW/MIAs passed away this weekend. Arrangements are incomplete at this time. Cards of condolence may be sent to Dave's Mom:

Mrs. Jane R. Murray
441 Crescent Pond Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32259

Dave was a great friend and he will be sorely missed.


Subj: Re: Sad News 
Date: 8/3/2005 1:20:34 PM Pacific Standard Time 

Dear Papa-San Joe Casal,
I am very shocked by the sad news. I am close to Papa-San Dave. When I was in PA, attending the dedication ceremony of the Vietnam Veteran Memorial there, he drove 3 hours to visit me. He is very fit, being slim. He is very warm and caring. I don't know what to say. Oh God, Please Bless Papa-San Dave.

Subj: Re: Goodbye...
Date: 8/4/2005 6:36:08 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Curt<>@aol.com
To: Poet Linh D Vo

Dear Linh,
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your good friend Pa-Pa-San Dave. I am sure that he is in a better place now. He drove three hours to see you in PA because you enrich the lives of those that you touch. If a man can feel the meaning behind the poetry you write, his spirit is in tune with not only God but a dear friend named Linh.

Take care.
Your friend,

Subj: Re: Goodbye... 
Date: 8/5/2005 5:32:04 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: betsy<<>>larry@juno.com
To: PoetLinhDVo@cs.com

Hi Linh,
We just returned from our vacation to Vermont. This is sad news that Dave Murray died but a lovely tribute to him. What a touching comment he made about your book, Dearest Daddy......Will we ever understand war and will we even understand why some people can't get along, why some people want us dead because we are Americans, because we are Christians?
Makes no sense to me my friends. Keep on writing...its lovely....you are indeed a Poet and so intelligent. It humbles me that you want to write to me, to us, to stay in touch, and we hardly know you. You are a joy.
Regards to the family also.

Betsy and Larry




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