In honoring all American soldiers, past, present and future with love and gratitude
An Unnamed Flower
Last night I saw myself walking with you
At The Wall
All so beautiful
Each etched name turned into a flower
More than 58,000 -- "The Forest of Souls"
A forest of flowers
Many many colors
You are one amongst them,
Taking me by your side
All papas-san smiled at me
"Hey kid, it’s great you made it to America."
I received so many hugs
"Here is one for my poet son,
Keep on writing,
Sharing your God-given gift of poetry…"
It was getting late
Papas-san had things to do
I brought one flower home
Here I wish to give it to someone
I named the flower "Forgiveness."
Linh Duy Vo
(The Boy in the Poem)
1 June 1998
Thank You Papa San for having been there, Vietnam, done that, for freedom and liberty, for others and me. Veterans Day 2010.
"I am short. Don't shoot!" said Papa San Duery Felton, Jr.
© Copyright by Linh Duy Vo. All rights reserved.