Picture       Picture

To America, Love and Gratitude

To America, Love and Gratitude

Dedicated on Memorial Day 1999

America's Sons and Daughters are sacrificing themselves to preserve the Freedom of the World... and God is watching over them...


President Gerald R. Ford


Our Voice 

Tears of Gratitude

Memorial Day 2012


Thanksgiving 2011

Operation Babylift

A Schindler 

September Eleventh ... ten years later

The Force of the Fourth of July: 2010

July 4: Honoring an American Soldier


The Myth of Kim Phuc

For the Best Interest of America

The Waterboarding and The Torture

Our POW/MIA Flag

Operation Homecoming USA

A Candle for Saigon

For the Last Commanding General in the Vietnam War

Goodbye My Love

Remembering Berlin 1936

The five Olympic rings represent the five continents and were designed in 1913, adopted in 1914 and debuted at the Games at Antwerp, 1920.

Goodbye My Hero

An American Essay

An Unnamed Flower

For You, President Reagan

The Girl in the Wall

The Boy in the Poem

      Message in a Photo      

Freedom Is Not Free


An American GI

My First English Words

An Alien in America

An American Sonnet

In Honor of General Colin Powell

Dear President


General Homer Smith

A Fateful Lottery Ticket

Farewell to an American soldier...


From A West Point Cadet 2002

An American Postcard

Give America A Break

The Hand that Feeds You

The Cost of War

The Press

The Pulitzer Prize

The Surgeon’s Knife

The Roar of the Lion King

The Lord's Tolerance

Beauty of America's Democracy

The Girl in the Burka

My American Hometown

The Emergency Exit


A Ballad for My America    

Dear Uncle Eddie Adams

Bonjour Paris


The Cross of Love

Dear Pope John Paul II

Dear Pope Benedict XVI

Thirty Years Later

After April 1975

The Last Wishes

The Unforgettable Aussie

The Bridge

Miss Saigon. Poetry. Viet Vet

A Kiss Left in the Skies of San Francisco


Serenity III

The Poems Written from Vietnam...

Miss Saigon II



Turnkey Country

On The 25th Anniversary of The Wall

My America's First Black President

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009

The King of the Jews, the King of Pop

The President, the Professor and the Policeman

The Physician and the Poet

The World's First Beer Summit

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving 2010

World Cup 2010… back to another…

Your Heartfelt Notes

35 years


Straight, Gay, Nature


To America...


My Planet Earth

 Goodbye Beijing

Current Issues... 

Americanism   April 2013

How many more Sept. 11 can we take?                         Mother's Day   The Hollywood Movie Traps    My Journals   Change   AIG  Fear of Looking Bad: America Facing the World  America's Security   Olympics 2008  The Voice from the Above   An American Ballad   30 April 1975   Oh, Osama bin Laden  Miss Liberty in the Eye of the Storm  No more torture to terrorist detainees  A Warning From FBI   A President's Book   Kim Phuc   Dear American Soldiers    The War Protester in the Streets of Hollywood    "Et tu, Brute?"    Roe v. Wade: a Poet's Perspective    From Baghdad to Hanoi    On This Memorial Day...   My Faith   Dear Papa   ABC Nightline 14 October 2004    Dear Papa-san Kerry    To an American Journalist    November 11   Armor of a Knight    The Fahrenheit Hollywood Muckraker   When God Disappears    My Heart for You    Dear Ones at NBC    To Live, To Die: an Essay    For Miss Saigon    Requiem    An American Veteran    To The Communist Party   Dear White Man   Goodbye   The Darkside of Capitalism   Even Though   Call It Anything But Marriage     A Grateful Atheist   When ex-President Clinton goes overseas   A Preacher and a Poet   Dear Jesus    Gratitude for Our Love    Fate   Hope for Vietnam    Nostalgia   U.S.A.   For our Blessed U.S.A. Armed Forces    Echo from Old Glory     Starvation     A Poem Five Years Later


Anne Frank    Baby-san    Love    America's Heart    A Sombre Song    Give and Take    For Columbine High School    For my Children    The Ten Commandments    Spiritual Wings    In Your Name    Autumn    Tet   For My Poetic Fan     Dear God    A Haiku    Happiness    My Being Me    A Miracle       A Miracle       A Miracle    Dream Come True     Mercy     Dear Son    Man's Best Friend


A Piece of History:  A Candle for Saigon    Born on the Eleventh of November   In the Silence of the Night   The Father's Kiss   The Unforgettable Photographer   The Skyraider   The American Letters    My Name Is Viet Nam    September 11 September 11     The  Siamese Twins   April 30   The Broken Berlin Wall   Kent State    My Lai    Missing Wing  The Piece of Sweet Candy   An Open Letter    TIME   The Unjust Focus   The Korea War    The Esoteric Path    Dear America    Thanksgiving   The Skies of a Child of War    View This Side Now   To Cuba   Defending a Viet Vet   Presidential Election 2004    An Open Letter to Vietnam   A Soldier's Letter    ABC Nightline 14 October 2004   Dear Taiwan    My Benevolent One    A Politician and the Protesters     A US Navy Captain    Papa San Carl


Fur Elise    Dedicated to A Breast Cancer Patient     Letter to the World     Politics    Echo from the Wall    The Rotor Blades    The Toast    On the Last Father's Day    A Historian     The Rancho Custodian    UCSC    Winter Olympics 2002    Elegance

Poet's Note:
I was uploading a new piece of poetry... Voila! I was watching in awe all my work ascending into the unknown space... perhaps where God is being present.
    This homepage is being kept in dedication to the 58,000-plus souls who gave their lives for mine and yours.

Linh Duy Vo
(The Boy in the Poem)

Infinity    In Motion    Hello Oklahoma    A Grateful Ballad    No Child Left Behind    The Yellow Ribbons    Thank You    A History Lesson for My Children    Saigon    A Poet's Prayer    A Rose    The Broken Wings     Nirvana     Memory    A Patriot    Existence    Fame    Peace    A Single Flower    Death  Life     Farewell    Hello    Siblings    Reality   Surrealism    Enlightenment   The End of Love   My Love   My Valentine    The Swans' Love   The Poet and the Lover    My Poetic Muse II    The Wine of Love    Hanoi    Chance   Unfinished    Daughter's Love   Nothingness   My Second Family



My Epitaph

A Mission




 Internet Crime Complaint Center

Ngoi but toi la gio
Trai tim toi la may.
My pen is the wind
My heart is the cloud.

Patriotism is... not taking America for granted.  --Linh Duy Vo

Thank you for visiting Linh Vo's Home Page

If someone asked me as who I am, I would say I am a good human being
who enjoys living a life for others. And that's who I am.


© Copyright by Linh Duy Vo.  All rights reserved.