An American Veteran's Home Page
He asked himself what he could do for his adopted country?
He went on his tour of duty to Nam
His former Spain is proud of him
He proudly answered the call from Uncle Sam
He returned home to find the war-protesters awaiting
The long-haired activists spat at him
He walked home in silence
America wept for her son-victim
He walks about with the crutches
He is mumbling "why?"
Looking up the skies in hope to see God,
He sees gratitude in a Magi
America feels sorry for her veteran-sons and daughters
They are being forgotten by their Commander-in-Chief
He labors for love and justice in his Dien Cai Dau Home Page,
Lest his posterity forget their ideal American belief...
Linh Duy Vo
April 16, 2005 ©
For the Last Commanding General in the Vietnam War
© Copyright by Linh Duy Vo. All rights reserved.